About Us
TheLuxuryStore was founded by Tony Sun in 2016 , started with sourcing and selling authentic pre-owned designer handbags on PoshMark. In 2019, we self-branded as TheLuxuryStore until today. The objectives of the company is simple: we want to bring the authentic pre-owned luxury goodies to the people who is willing to own one but do not want to pay for the new.
At TheLuxuryStore, we are committed to providing you with the finest selection of gently-used designer handbags. With a passion for craftsmanship and an unwavering dedication to authenticity, we meticulously source and verify every item in our collection. Our goal is to be your premier destination for authentic, pre-owned designer bags.
From the Founder
I'm Tony Sun, the founder and curator of this exquisite online boutique. Since 2019, I've been immersed in the world of luxury bags, dedicating myself to becoming a trusted authority in authenticating and sourcing pre-owned designer bags. My journey has been fueled by a relentless passion for craftsmanship and style, coupled with an unwavering commitment to sustainability.
We Are On Poshmark
Besides our own website, we are also on Poshmark as of today. We absolutely love that marketplace and it's where it got us started. You may see some of our prices on the website is lower than the Poshmark, it is because we don't pay as much fees here. It doesn't matter which platform you purchased from, we will serve you the same.
Poshmark Account: @bestdeal0903
We Are On TikTok
We recently launched our TikTok Shop and live shopping. As TikTok becoming a more popular social platform, we want to bring our customer to a new level of shopping experience.
TikTok Account: @TheLuxuryStore2019